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*메타 ID는 영어로 작성해야 하고 중복되게 만들면 안 돼요.
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2023.12.05 Jinny
In the ohmyapp web component, databases are managed and stored.
Learn how to create menus and enter data so you can save and manage all your data according to the corresponding menu.
Add Your Web Admin Menu
Follow this sequence: Web Admin > Creator > Menu > Web Menu Settings > + Add Menu.
Here, you can enter the Menu Name and Meta ID of your choice and save your changes by clicking enter.
*The Latin alphabet must be used when choosing a Meta ID, assigned Meta IDs can only be used once in the entire app.
Enter Your Data in the Web Admin Menu
Go to Admin and select your desired menu from the menu bar on the left side. Click on the Add button on the top right and enter your title and content before saving your data.
2023.11.14 Hwaran